Cutting Edge news about Microservices

Two architecture conferences will be held in London in the same building in the same week.

Александр Бындю
Александр Бындю · 31 августа 2016
IT-архитектор · Эксперт в Agile и Lean · Основатель компании Byndyusoft

We use microservices a lot at Byndyusoft. But we feel there are not enough competitive books and articles on this subject. Therefore, two big conferences is a good chance to get the newest information about a Microservice architecture and everything that surrounds it.

Check out how many impressive public reports are prepared for microservice fans in these conferences!

#1 OSCON, the O’Reilly Open Source Convention

My recommendations for attending the OSCON public reports:

#2 The O’Reilly Software Architecture Conference

My recommendations for attending the Software Architecture Conference public reports:

See you there in October!

In my spare time in London I will possibly see some of you to discuss new things and share experiences about microservices.