Using VoIP Phone or IP Phone in a Web Browser

A client asked to implement a system for managing real estate properties. One of the parts of this system is a call center. The client’s operators do not work from the office and have a flexible schedule.

They can go online whenever and wherever they want. This kind of work process gives the client advantages in hiring new operators because they have really comfortable job conditions.

The client already invested money in Asterisk, an open source framework that lets you build communications applications for IP PBX, VoIP gateways and so on. Asterisk, like almost all servers for IP phones, allows a direct connection to itself but has no options to use it’s features from a web browser. We had to implement VoIP phone or IP phone in a web browser to suit the operator’s job conditions.


We checked a few frameworks that enable web browsers with Real-Time Communications (RTC) capabilities via simple JavaScript APIs. Some of them, for example jssip and sipML5, didn’t work at all or had internal problems. Finally, we found SIP.js framework and made a number of changes that satisfied all criteria so we integrated it into our solution.


We implemented and launched the system with WebRTC connector. The operators don’t need to install any software or buy a headsets to connect to Asterisk. They just open a web browser, enter their credentials and go online whenever and wherever they want.

All modern browsers and devices support
Unlimited number of operators at the same time
WebRTC · Asterisk · VoIP/IP Phone